Most of the test files on this site are JUnit 5 testers. This page demonstrates how to run an existing JUnit 5 test in Eclipse, VS Code, and BlueJ. Many other IDEs also support JUnit 5 tests.

For more information on creating JUnit 5 tests and interpreting the results, see the JUnit 5 website.

Sample JUnit 5 test and class being tested:

Running JUnit 5 tests in Eclipse


Quick fix dialog box resulting from hovering over the @Test annotation. Shows 4 quick fix options. The 2nd option is “Add JUnit 5 library to the build path”.

Using a Junit 5 test in an Eclipse project for the first time requires adding JUnit 5 to the build path. Hover over the @Test annotation (without clicking). Select the quick fix “Add JUnit 5 library to the build path”.

Click the regular Run button to run the test(s).

Running JUnit 5 tests in VS Code

Testing Java with Visual Studio Code demonstrates the process. Follow the instructions for JUnit 5.

Running JUnit 5 tests in BlueJ

BlueJ (at least 5.2.1) supports JUnit 5 tests without additional configuration. Drag the test code into a project. Compile it. Right click the test class and choose “Test All”.


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